Published On:Friday, 22 April 2011
Posted by admin
muka cun tapi gigi.............!!
Girl did not brush her teeth for 10 years
Everyone has a special habit. However, sometimes they get so carried away as to shock others.
Martian Virus, a popular TV programme from tvN based in Seoul, introduces those with habits or characteristics that are grotesque, but those they are proud of nonetheless.
The show is to introduce a girl whose habit does match her beautiful outward appearance. Known as 'Cutey Yellowish,' she stopped brushing her teeth a decade ago.
The last time she remembers doing so was when her mother brushed teeth for her.
"I do not understand why people should brush teeth, as it is not like others will look into your mouth," said Ji Hyun Ji, 20. "As food scraps pile on, they will actually protect my teeth."
She only wipes her front teeth with tissue on 'special' occasions.
The show is planning to reveal dentists' diagnosis, which they claim is the most shocking of their careers.
Though Ji has forgotten how to brush her teeth, the programme will also try to persuade Ji to do so again, according to producer Lee Geun Chan.
p/s =kalau setakat x gosok baju..x heran x gosok gigi...10 tahun plak tu!! mak aaiiii!! berapa tebal dia punya najis gigi!! akakaka.....
biar muka x lawa...jangan la x gosok gigi! reject!!
Nak cari cenderahati perkahwinan murah??---> KLIK SINI
uiii.. biak betoi... huhuhu
serious aku rasa nak terkeluar balik bakso yang aku telan tadi.!
geli kot. . .
aku ni kalau bgn pagi tak gosok gg terus mkn pn rase geli, apatah lagi kalau tajk gosok gg 10 tahun..
haha gile punya amoi . muka cung habisss .
tapi biler senyum , alahai .
cam ne lah agak nye kalau dia b'cakap ?
pengsan ta ?
* asa jugak manusia cam ni :)
@NuRuL MoHaMaD betul2...kalau lambat mandi pun msti kena gosok gg dlu..ekeke..
@Izbeta Shyah hehehe...tahan..tahan...
@eton betul..bukan coobaann...
@anis'S marzuki tulah..muka cun gigi karat...~muntah~
biau betul ni....tak tanya bape tahun pulak dia tak mandi?...dia yk bau apa2 ke...ish!