Published On:Monday, 7 March 2011
Posted by admin


Akhirnya si pendera kucing tampil untuk membuat permohonan maaf setelah di desak oleh rakyat Malaysia yang sebahagiannya menggunakan medium internet untuk meluahkan rasa tak puas hati kepada si pendera ni....ermmm.....walaupun menghadapi tekanan, meng'kokak' kucing bukanlah jalan terbaik....yang memberikan alasan tertekan sebab mak bapak dia bercerai....apa kena mengena dengan kucing?? amatlah malang bila apa yang di buat di rakam di cctv....dan dapat di saksikan oleh satu dunia....semoga pencinta kucing di seluruh Malaysia dapat memaafkannya dan semoga pendera ni insaf serta berubah perangai.....confirm tak tido malam amoi ni! yang x tau kes ni..boleh tengok video kat bawah.....

ni statement dia mintak maaf...

SERI KEMBANGAN: "I am sorry. I promise not to repeat the shameful act and would learn to love and appreciate every living being."
These were the remorseful words of Chow Xiao Wei who had been identified as the person who had openly abused cats in a video posting which had gone viral on the internet in the past week.
Chow 21, who was met at a press conference organised by Serdang MP Teo Nie Ching this morning said she regretted what she did and hopes the public would accept her apology.
"With all honesty I sincerely apologise to the community especially animal lovers on my shameful and cruel acts against the three defenseless kittens."
"I couldn't control myself and I admit I made a huge mistake and I regret my actions, Chow said.
She said her mother Cheong Poh Ling was also upset with what she had done and had brought her to a hospital to undergo a psychological evaluation.Chow admitted she only realised she made a mistake after she viewed the video clip of her abusing the kittens.
"My only hope is for the community accept my apology. I promise not to repeat the shameful act and would learn to love and appreciate every living being."
Cheong, who accompanied her daughter during the press conference said she was shocked with her daughter's actions and hoped the public would give her daughter a chance to repent.
"I'm shocked by my daughter's actions, she has never had any discipline problems in the past. I humbly and sincerely hope as a mother, the public would give my daughter a second chance to make a major improvement as i know her actions were very wrong."
"I never raised her to be such a brat, and because of this, my business is affected. I had to close shop, after constant harassment from the press."
"My daughter told me, while torturing those poor little kittens, she had no idea, they were already dead."
An officer from the Selangor Department of Veterinary Services who was present said he was there to get a statement from Chow.
Enforcement officer, Masdin Ubin said, "This is a new case, there has to be a report made to us at our headquarters, for possible action to be taken."
Teo said that Chow was prepared to face the music and was prepared if legal actions were to be taken against her.
Meanwhile, a spokesperson for NGO group Malaysian Dogs Deserve Better (MDDB), President Christine Lai who was also present at the press conference said said even though she was appalled with Chow's actions, MDDB would like to help Chow if she truly regretted her earlier actions.
"We are willing to sponsor her to get proper psychiatric treatment at the University Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC)."
"We urge the authorities to help her, but at the same time take proper and immediate action on her, so as a reminder of her cruel act. We told her, she would be monitored by us, and should get back to community works."
Both, MDDB and counterpart, Malaysian Cats Care Project (MCCP) urged the Government to increase the penalty pertaining to animal cruelty.
"No matter what her reasons may be, Chow committed an inexcusable offense, and we urge the authorities to take the necessary action against her."
The Malay Mail had on March 3, highlighted about the five-minute closed-circuit television footage which was the latest animal abuse clip to surface less than two months after the country was rocked by a poodle abuse video.
The cat abuse clip showed the youth using an umbrella to poke and then kick, beat and stomp kittens to death.
Over 2,500 Facebook users, both local and from other countries, commented on the video and expressed disgust and rage over the youth's behavior.
If found guilty, under the Animal Act 1953 (revised in 2006), section 44, she would be imposed a minimum fine of RM200, or a six month jail term or both.

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Nak cari cenderahati perkahwinan murah??---> KLIK SINI


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11 comments for "PENDERA KUCING MINTAK MAAF...!!"

  1. takda kene mengene pun kucing ngan mak bapak dia..lenkali sebelum bertindak tu guna akal kan..hissh..jangan la ada lgi manusia perangi cam ni..ni ibarat marahkan nyamuk, kelambu di bakar..ngeeeee

  2. huh! pasal mak bapak kucing jadi mangsa.. apa kes la.. adehai.. kucing tu x bersalah pun T_T

  3. tu lah pasal cam tak kene jer statement dier tu.. tak bleh tau bagi alasan cam tu.. cian kuceng tu...

  4. This post has been removed by the author.

  5. @fiezah91 tau xpe..tu klau mk bpk kucing tau msti dai sedih jugk..nsib baik kucing x pndai guna internet...

  6. @fiezah91 tau xpe..tu klau mk bpk kucing tau msti dai sedih jugk..nsib baik kucing x pndai guna internet...

  7. @Rama2Ungu betul tu...kucin jd mngsa..berani pergi lempang kerbau la kalau tension...kikiki

  8. @Isteri Yang Comel jiwa kosong..tu yg jadi cmtu...tp nsib baik dia brani mntk maaf scra trbuka...kira gentelwomen gk la..kikiki

  9. tak paham kenapa orang tergamak melakukan perkara sebegitu dengan sengaja.
    patut dikenakan sekali tindakan terhadap dia.

  10. itulah dikatakan teknology..pesalah terhadap hewan pun tak terlepas..tahniah pd mereka yg menggunakan teknolgi utk kebaikan..wah skima aku nihhhhhhhhhhh!

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